Mina Ashido Novels & Books - WebNovel

About 293 results

  • Mi Secreto Esposo Billonario

    Mi Secreto Esposo Billonario


    —Amor, ya no quiero más, me siento fatal... —Cariño, sé buena, termina de tomar esta medicina. El guapo hombre abraza a la mujer en sus brazos, mimándola tiernamente mientras le da la medicina. Joanna Lawrence se encuentra con Ashton Heath, el joven más estimado en todo Closia City, y termina durmiendo con él por la noche. Después de que él le ofrece beneficios a cambio de su casamiento, la recién nombrada Sra. Heath de repente tiene el poder para conseguir todo lo que siempre deseó. —Amor, hoy le di una bofetada a la reina de cine Faye, ¿me pasé? —Cariño, ¿te duele la mano? Déjame masajeártela. —Amor, agoté tu tarjeta de crédito, ¿estás enfadado? —Cariño, ¿estás contenta con tu compra? Avísame cuando necesites más. —Amor, estoy cansada hoy, no quiero moverme..."

  • La hermosa esposa del matrimonio torbellino

    La hermosa esposa del matrimonio torbellino


    Rico, poderoso y apuesto. Gu Jingze es la crema y nata del país. Todos los hombres quieren ser como él, y todas las chicas quieren estar con él. Su vida es perfecta, excepto por un pequeño secreto que le impide acercarse a cualquier mujer, una aparente afección. Es así hasta que un día se despierta en la cama con una completa desconocida. Lo siguiente es que se ve obligado a casarse con esta extraña, una mujer pendenciera y escandalosa llamada Lin Che. Lin Che es una chica promedio cuyo único objetivo es convertirse en una actriz exitosa. Excluida por su familia y obligada a ser independiente, trama una intriga para lograr su objetivo. Pero su plan fracasa y termina casándose con el frío y, según parece, insensible Gu Jingze. No solo eso; ahora debe encontrar su lugar en la alta sociedad, en la que abundan las mujeres celosas y las conspiraciones intrincadas, todo mientras hace malabares para manejar su nueva carrera. Dos extraños bajo un mismo techo: desde el principio, acuerdan mantenerse al margen de la vida del otro, pero de alguna manera, él siempre logra aparecer en los momentos de crisis de ella. Poco a poco y sin darse cuenta, Lin Che comienza a tener dificultades para imaginarse un futuro sin él. ¿Crecerá su relación? ¿O su matrimonio está destinado a seguir siendo solo un contrato?

  • O Noivo do Alfa

    O Noivo do Alfa


    Alpha Damon, o Alfa solteiro da maior alcateia da América do Norte, está enfrentando a realidade em que os Anciões estão pressionando-o para que se case com uma noiva escolhida por eles. Um casamento por conveniência. Um casamento por poder. Damon sabe que os Anciões querem usá-lo em seus esquemas, e está determinado a mostrar a eles que ele não é peão de ninguém. Ninguém pode forçá-lo a se casar, nem mesmo a Deusa da Lua. "Eu não preciso de uma mulher na minha vida para me atrapalhar. Namorada é um incômodo, esposa seria um problema e uma companheira seria um desastre." Ele vai ceder? Qual delas ele escolherá? Ele terá escolha quando encontrar sua companheira? Junte-se a Damon em sua jornada durante a qual ele ampliará seus horizontes e mudará das maneiras mais inesperadas quando a mulher certa entrar em sua vida. --- Nota: a trama principal termina no capítulo 986. --- Conecte-se comigo. Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ --- Eu possuo a capa. --- Experimente meus outros romances! - Amara - Reencontro - O Alfa Supremo - Isto é Destino? - Propenso a Acidentes

  • Nacimiento de la Espada Demoníaca

    Nacimiento de la Espada Demoníaca


    —Así que, así termina mi vida, qué pérdida de tiempo fue... . Estos fueron los últimos pensamientos de un joven, disparado por accidente en una pelea entre pandillas locales. Poco sabía él que pronto despertaría en otro mundo, ¡un mundo de cultivo! —Esta es la historia del bastardo de una familia rica, de un transmigrador que no tenía propósito en su vida anterior, de un demonio que hará del poder su razón para seguir viviendo . —Noah Balvan, después de transmigrar, tendrá que luchar contra su estatus social y las muchas dificultades del mundo en el que reencarnó para obtener el poder para permanecer libre en el cielo por encima de cualquiera! . Síganme en twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Enlace de Discord: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Artista de la portada: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki"

  • La novia del Alpha

    La novia del Alpha


    —Alfa Damon, el Alfa soltero de la manada más grande de América del Norte, se enfrenta a la realidad donde los Ancianos le presionan para casarse con una novia de su elección. Un matrimonio por conveniencia. Un matrimonio por poder. —Damon es consciente de que los Ancianos quieren usarlo en sus intrigas, y está decidido a demostrarles que no es el peón de nadie. —Nadie puede obligarlo a casarse, ni siquiera la Diosa de la Luna. —No necesito una mujer en mi vida para obstaculizarme. Una novia es una molestia, una esposa sería un problema, y una compañera sería un desastre. —¿Cederá? —¿Cuál elegirá? —¿Tendrá una opción una vez que encuentre a su compañera? Acompaña a Damon en su viaje durante el cual ampliará sus horizontes y cambiará de las formas más inesperadas cuando la mujer adecuada entre en su vida. —Nota: la trama principal termina con el capítulo 986. Conéctate conmigo: —Discord: https://discord.gg/cFaejHB —Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RedSonia.Novels —Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/redsonia_novels/ —Soy el dueño de la portada. ¡Prueba con mis otras novelas! - Amara - Reunión - El Alfa Supremo - ¿Es este el Destino? - Propenso a Accidentes."

  • Estoy secretamente casada con un magnate

    Estoy secretamente casada con un magnate


    ```—Maridito, no quiero más, me siento fatal... —Amor, sé buena, termina esta medicina.El apuesto hombre abraza a la mujer en sus brazos, consolándola tiernamente mientras le da la medicina.Qiao Mianmian se topa con Mo Yesi, el más distinguido vástago de toda la Ciudad de Yuncheng, y termina pasando la noche con él. Después de que él le ofrece beneficios a cambio de su matrimonio, la recién nombrada Sra. Mo de repente tiene el poder de tener todo lo que alguna vez deseó.—Maridito, hoy le di una bofetada a la Reina del Cine Cheng Feifei, ¿fui demasiado lejos? —Amor, ¿te duele la mano? Déjame frotártela.—Maridito, gasté al máximo tu tarjeta de crédito, ¿estás enojado? —Amor, ¿estás contenta con tu compra? Avísame cuando necesites más.—Maridito, hoy estoy cansada, no quiero moverme... —dijo ella.```

  • When a Genius Makes a Mistake

    When a Genius Makes a Mistake



    ****Completed, but under revision.**** ***SUPER SLOW BURN MATURE 18+*** After struggling her way through university, Mina Harlow, a top tier graduate (and literal genius), with the aspiration of lifting her family out of poverty, was still living in the slums, taking odd jobs to earn a living. All of her hard work had been for nothing and her life is cast into turmoil because she offended the wrong Miss from a prominent family. Desperate to for her next source of income, Mina aligns herself with the wrong people, and finds herself amid several conspiracies that keep becoming more and more confounded by misunderstandings. She is mistaken for a spy, by one of the most influential families in the country and held captive as the confusion, mishaps and misunderstandings build up all around her. Under the extreme circumstance, Mina is thrown into despair, hatred and love all that the same time, but will the experience break her or make her ‘better?’ (This story is set in a fictional, modern day patriarchal society on the brink of a shift public opinion on the 'role' of the woman.) Excerpt: "Why are you crying?" "Because I'm stupid," Mina replied. The man laughed sarcastically. "I disagree. I think you are a very smart girl." "Being smart does not mean you can not be stupid." Who told her she was a genius anyway? ***THIS IS AN ADULT STORY WITH AN ADULT THEME. THERE IS VIOLENCE AND IMPLIED VIOLENCE. THERE IS ROMANCE IN THIS STORY, BUT IT IS NOT EXACTLY A LOVE STORY. ***

  • A Day in the life of Mina ashido

    A Day in the life of Mina ashido

  • Sistema de Cibercafé Black Tech

    Sistema de Cibercafé Black Tech


    Hemos tenido sistemas que ayudan a los MCs a hacer píldoras, robar habilidades de maestros legendarios, e incluso ser obligados a presumir para ganar puntos, pero ¿qué hay de un sistema que permite a uno ejecutar un cibercafé de realidad virtual, con todos los juegos clásicos? Nuestro MC se despierta en un nuevo mundo y se encuentra con un sistema misterioso que le permite dirigir un cibercafé de realidad virtual totalmente autónomo! ¿Qué? ¿Abrir un cibercafé en un mundo de cultivadores? Ahora puedes navegar por Internet, ver dramas y jugar a videojuegos?! Un guerrero emperador lloró después de visitar la tienda de MC. —¡Maldición, la tormenta de nieve termina mi vida! Otro cultivador del Reino del Río Yuan jadeó después de beber Sprite—: ¿Qué es esta brujería? ¿Qué más aportó el MC al mundo de los cultivadores? Acompáñenos en esta aventura mientras Fang Qi se enfrenta a las sectas de cultivo y a las grandes fuerzas con su colección de tesoros modernos.

  • Toque de Llama

    Toque de Llama


    —Es una amenaza para su existencia. Un dragón de sangre caliente de sangre real, el rey Malachi es tomado como rehén por los humanos que tanto desprecia. Privado de su libertad, está encarcelado en una cueva oscura, su rabia crece con cada día de tortura y humillación. La única luz que ve proviene de una mujer humana, que le ofrece su cuidado. Una mujer que lo hace arder con igual furia y deseo. Una mujer que no tiene lugar en su corazón o en su mente, porque solo un pensamiento lo sostiene. —¡Venganza! —gruñó—. Y aunque su amabilidad suaviza su corazón y su toque inflama su cuerpo, no se librará de su ira. Porque una vez que rompa las cadenas de la esclavitud, quemará todo su mundo. —Ella es la clave para su libertad. La princesa de corazón frío Ravina es una mujer con una misión. Erradicar la raza de dragones de la faz de la tierra. Pero cuando descubre que las mismas criaturas que mataron a sus padres también podrían ser las que secuestraron a su hermana, no tiene más remedio que cambiar sus planes. Para encontrar a su hermana, debe acercarse a la criatura que desprecia. Pero las cosas no siempre salen como se planean y pronto Ravina termina encontrando más de lo que esperaba. Atrapada en una batalla entre humanos y dragones, amor y odio, confianza y traición, Ravina debe tomar cada decisión con cautela. Y con cada paso que da más cerca de la bestia ardiente, corre el riesgo de derretir el hielo que rodea su corazón y ser consumida por las llamas de furia y pasión."

  • Gadis Bodoh, sang Istri Konglomerat

    Gadis Bodoh, sang Istri Konglomerat


    Mina baru saja lulus dari SMA saat usianya menginjak 20 tahun! Dan harus menginjakkan kaki di atas pelaminan begitu wisuda kelulusannya berlangsung ke esokkan harinya. Apes! Tentu saja kehidupannya yang tidak pernah tenang itu semakin memiliki banyak masalah besar yang gilir-bergilir hinggap di dalam kehidupan rumah tangganya. Menjadi seorang istri anak tertua dari Adytama Grup memang menjadi sebuah tantangan yang besar bagi Mina. Tapi itu lebih baik dari pada harus menikah dengan Zhair Adytama, sang mantan laknat yang seharusnya mengikrarkan janji suci bersama dengan dirinya di atas pelaminan. Kehidupan penuh konflik karena harus menikah dengan sang Kakak, mungkin belum cukup jika Mina belum menerima hujatan manis dari sang adik ipar setiap mereka berpapasan. Mina yang terkenal sebagai si bodoh, harus bertahan di tengah badai masalah yang membuatnya harus bertambah kuat dan kokoh. Mampukah Mina bertahan di antara kekonyolan nasib dan tekanan dari keluarga Adytama? Ikuti terus ceritanya dan jangan sampai melewatkan episode terbarunya ya!

  • Trapped by my arrogant lover

    Trapped by my arrogant lover



    Love is said to be an intense feeling of deep affection. Since childhood, they had loved each other. People will say to her:You are just a mere worker that works for the Torres family. His family won't accept you. She never listened to them because she believed that no matter what happens, he will still love her. Mrs Torres never wanted her son to marry a mere worker that works on a sugar cane farm. She tried to convince her son to leave Rachel but he refused. She later arranged for Rachel to live the country to stay aboard and told her not to tell her son, Chad, so he will forget about her. For nearly seven years, Chad never heard from Rachel. He thought she had ran away and had forgotten about their love. She later came back to find the person she had loved her entire life but it was too late; he had married Mina, his mother's best friend daughter whom he never loved. He wanted to go back to her but he was threatened, "Forget about her or she will die!" What! How can he forget about the person he loved his entire life. Would they still end up together? Will Chad still fight for their love? Follow me on Instagram- author_toriatim Check out my new novel: Mr. CEO's sweet lover: little bundle of joy

  • Contracted To My Seductive Lover

    Contracted To My Seductive Lover



    "I became the prey of an incubus pretending to be a human just become a top actress."+++Hong Mina is a 23-year old aspiring actress. She has the looks, talents, and perseverance to become the next it-girl. But she has been attending countless auditions since she was 18 years old and has only landed small roles.To be a part of SW Entertainment, Mina has to attend the audition held by the company but to her shock, she found a familiar-looking man, Kim Jeho. The only thing she knew about him was that he was ahead of her only for a year or two and that he took filmography. But then, she found out that his nerdy-looking schoolmate from before transformed into a hot-looking future CEO and chairman of the said company. To make matters worse, Jeho is an incubus disguising as a human who has chosen her as his prey for revenge after blatantly being rejected by her. The two of them made a contract to suffice the needs that they wanted. from each other. Will they actually follow what is in the contract, or will they break the rules that they made for their own good?***WARNING: MATURE CONTENT AHEADThis is my first time trying this genre, please bear with me. Lol.Cover Edited by: LeeMaRi1999The FL is sarcastic, a little bit eccentric, tsundere, and someone who is focused on one goal, and that is to become a top actress. Her decisions most likely are connected to her goal as well.

  • Nascimento da Espada Demoníaca

    Nascimento da Espada Demoníaca


    "Então, é assim que minha vida termina, que perda de tempo foi...". Esses foram os últimos pensamentos de um jovem, atingido por acidente em uma briga entre gangues locais. Ele mal sabia que em breve acordaria em outro mundo, um mundo de cultivo! Esta é a história do bastardo de uma família rica, de um transmigrador que não tinha propósito em sua vida anterior, de um demônio que fará do poder a razão para continuar vivendo. Noah Balvan, após sua transmigração, terá que lutar contra seu status social e as muitas dificuldades do mundo em que renasceu para obter o poder de se manter livre no céu acima de qualquer um! Siga-me no twitter: https://twitter.com/EoCNovels Instagram: eocnovels Link do Discord: https://discord.gg/CNh28NP Artista da capa: https://digitalrowye.com/ Fandom: https://botds.fandom.com/wiki/Birth_of_the_Demonic_Sword_Wiki

  • Succubus Mina

    Succubus Mina


    In the dark and twisted world of demons and mortals, Mina stands alone as a succubus, her very survival dependent on the trade of pleasures. Yet, her world is shattered when her home is reduced to ashes by the merciless hand of the cultivators, and she is forced to endure the constant torment of being hunted and despised for the very essence of who she is. Driven by a fierce determination to rise above the ashes of her past, Mina refuses to submit to the cruel whims of fate. Instead, she sets out on a perilous journey to exact vengeance upon those who have wronged her, her heart consumed by a burning rage that threatens to consume her very being. With each step she takes, Mina's power grows stronger, her resolve unshakeable. She will stop at nothing to avenge the loss of her family, slicing the heads of those who stand in her way and carving a path of blood and darkness through a world that seeks to tear her apart with a crazed smile on her face. As she stands atop the shattered ruins of her past, Mina knows that she will never again have to hide in the shadows, that she will never again be forced to bow down to those who seek to exploit and control her. For now, she is the one who holds the power, the one who will reign supreme over a world that has done nothing but despise her. Writing on Royal road.

  • MINA


  • Termina: Life in the undeground

    Termina: Life in the undeground



    Dan Owens is a young man followed by calamity. His whole life a series of unfortunate events. He who was tired of living, woke up only to find himself in a completely different place. Termina. The last bastion of mankind in the fight against the mutant beasts that plague the surface. Will the good for nothing Dan be able to cope with his new situation? Or will he remain stuck at the bottom of the ladder, never to reach new heights? One thing's for certain, he needs to pay his phone bill! Updates once or twice a week for now.

  • Mina



    Mina Mina stood up at starred at domonicShe’d had it with this bitch DomonicAs if the everyday normal bullying wasn’t enough, Domonic had the audacity to take it to a whole other level and that was not acceptable.She was gonna get her ass beaten today that was for sure.So what if she was in a relationship with her step brother? That wasnt anyone’s concernThis is the fucking twenty first century and she’ll be damned if anyone dared judge her.As loud as she could, she said “Me, You, After school. I dont wanna have to find you”The cafeteria grew quietAnd with that she climbed up on the table, tray of food in hand and walked straight through the kids that looked at her like she was God herself come to earth.They liked stuffs like this ans she loved that everyone was gonna be there and watch her beat the living shit out of thier queen.Well bitches, prepare yourselves to be entertained.

  • Mission Impossible: Love Is Possible

    Mission Impossible: Love Is Possible



    Mina; a normal working woman, mysteriously becomes the CHOSEN ONE that has to survive and complete missions given to her in the different dimensions. With her life at stake at times, Mina struggles against life and death while she hopes to find her soulmate that she doesn't wish to find. ................... Its more action based novel so please wait a while before the romance actually kicks in.. The ML and FL know each other but will take time to form the love relation.

  • Yuri Sword Spirit

    Yuri Sword Spirit



    Mina finds herself in a situation she didn't understand. Her boyfriend with a girl she didn't know, then a case of mistaken identity?"Wait... why am I a sword?"---Art is not mine. I will take it down if requested.We have a discord server now: https://discord.gg/8vSfAD9yCj Feel free to join! Crowe#4408 if you have any difficulties getting in!
